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nba比赛结果,低调看直播,英超直播免费观看:National Social Science Fund of China Approves Four Projects of Our College in 2022

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On September 30, 2022, National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences officially posted the list of annual projects that were approved and granted by National Social Science Fund of China(NSSFC).

Four projects of our college have been approved and received funding from the NSSFC. Among them, one is listed as a general project, three youth projects. They are: the general project, named“Research on 'Civilizational Standards' in Western Discourse on Human Rights”submitted by Associate Professor Ma Guolin”; youth project named“The Research on the Development of UN Peacekeeping Operations and China's Participation”applied by Associate Professor Chen Yiyi; Associate Professor Li Yibin applied youth project named“Big Data-driven Terrorism in China's Surroundings in the Next Decade”and“The Impact Mechanism and Optimization Strategy of Public Services to Enable a Child-friendly Society”applied by Associate Professor Xiao Han.

Since the establishment of our college in August 2018 to September 2022, we has been awarded 14 NSSF projects.
